Pre-Owned Cars: Why You Need One For Backup

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The average household hasjust over two cars. Still, there are many families that have multiple cars in the home: more than a third of American families have at least three cars. If you have been on the fence about adding another vehicle to your household, there’s good reason to give pre-owned cars a look. Adding a backup vehicle to your home can be beneficial in many ways, particularly if you don’t go all-out with a brand new car.…

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4 New Car Tech Features to Watch Out For

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The tech features offered in cars keep improving, and this decade is no exception. If you are in the market for a new vehicle, you need to carefully consider what type of tech features you want your vehicle to have, and what type of tech features you will. #1: Wi-Fi Hotspot The internet has become an integral part of everyday life, which is why you can now enjoy a Wi-Fi hotspot in your vehicle.…

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